‘brigid’ and 2 more by Sadie Kromm


the wild woman.

i have carried
millions of
them on my back.
why does my
strength never
feel permanent
like a plaque?

their determination
was never tamed,
and chants did
not involve one
complaint while
they advocated
for what was right
thousands of
miles away.

but whos not
to say that getting
by is just enough
or the same?

authenticity is not a superpower

villains in the movies
frightened me as a child.

i avoided invites
that were eerie,
played where mother
could see me clearly,
and kept one hand
over my lemonade.

it was time that made
me realize characters
and instances are
not inclusively assigned.

in this story,
my heart is a weapon.
sensitivity is a crime.
words are fictionalized.
i am the bad guy.

she loves me, she loves me not.

my peppermint tea
went cold, which
means the shakes
will move through
each bone..

if i continue
to abandon this
body by always
wearing a blindfold,
there will not be
much left of me
when i am old.


Sadie Kromm is a writer and poet who currently resides in Toronto.  She has been published by The League of Canadian Poets, Boats Against The Current, Sybil Journal, Crest Letters, and The Basilisk Tree. Her work is primarily inspired by the journey of healing, mental health, and her fondness of nature.

Image generated on Stable Diffusion 2- 1


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