‘Nine Iron’ by Charles Holdefer


  The wind was contrary and they were distressed in rowing; the boat was in the midst of the sea, and tossed with waves. They took on water. They cast their votes and cried out for fear.
  Then Peter beheld a golf cart, rolling on top of the waves.
  And Peter said unto them: ‘Be of good cheer: it is he; be not afraid.’
  And Peter called: ’If it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water.’
  And he said, ‘Come.’ And Peter climbed out of the boat; he stepped out upon the water. He walked to meet his Lord.
  But when Peter saw the waves still boisterous, he grew afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, ‘Lord, save me.’
  And his Lord said, ‘O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt my stable genius?’
  And lo, a club rose up and smote Peter.
  Down, down he went.


Charles Holdefer is a writer based in Brussels. His work has appeared in the New England Review, North American Review, Chicago Quarterly Review and in the 2017 Pushcart Prize anthology. He is the fiction editor of The Exacting Clam and his collection IVAN THE TERRIBLE GOES ON A FAMILY PICNIC will be published in summer 2024 by Sagging Meniscus Press.

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